I got a task to clean some malicious files in Windows. Instead of removing manually the malicious files, im going to do simple batch script to automated the task. Due to the privacy, im just write the dummy malicious samples.
Source code:
source code below-
@echo off
REM del C:\Windows\Prefetch\*.* /Q
TITLE simple cleanTask script by Faisalfs10x [16/02/2020] echo %DATE%
@echo on
rem # OS Version #
@echo off
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Host Name" /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version" /C:"System Type"
@echo on
:: View network connection details
@echo off
ipconfig | findstr /C:"IPv4 Address"
@echo on
rem # Network Connections [netstat -ano] #
@echo off
netstat -ano | findstr "ESTABLISHED"
@echo OFF
START msconfig.exe
@echo OFF
REM Net stop [maliciousService]
@echo on
rem # Checking for Existing files #
@echo OFF
::EXIST command is used to check for existence
IF EXIST C:\Windows\malware1.exe (ECHO malware1.exe found) ELSE (ECHO malware1.exe not found)
IF EXIST C:\Windows\malware2.exe (ECHO malware2.exe found) ELSE (ECHO malware2.exe not found)
IF EXIST C:\Windows\SysWOW64\malware3.exe (ECHO malware3.exe found) ELSE (ECHO malware3.exe not found)
IF EXIST C:\Windows\malware4.exe (ECHO malware4.exe found) ELSE (ECHO malware4.exe not found)
@echo on
rem # Find .exe in Tasklist #
@echo off
tasklist | findstr "malware1.exe" "malware2.exe" "malware3.exe" "malware4.exe"
@echo off
REM The /t child processes are closed as well, /f option forcefully terminates the process.
Taskkill /im malware1.exe /t /f
Taskkill /im malware2.exe /t /f
Taskkill /im malware3.exe /t /f
Taskkill /im malware4.exe /t /f
@echo on
rem # Delete malware1 | malware2 | malware3 | malware4 #
@echo off
:: To delete a single file test.txt :: Remove \p to delete without confirmation
DEL /q C:\Windows\malware1.exe
DEL /q C:\Windows\malware2.exe
DEL /q C:\Windows\SysWOW64\malware3.exe
DEL /q C:\Windows\malware4.exe
@echo on
rem # Running Services [services.msc] #
@echo off
net start
@echo off
Rem rd /s /q %temp%
Rem md %temp%
Rem rd /s /q %systemroot%\temp
Rem md %systemroot%\temp
@echo on
rem # Firewall Settings #
@echo off
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config
@echo off
rem # Status #
@echo off
echo "---------------------Settle!-----------------"